How much will it cost to install my new charger?
The big unknown factor of home EV chargers is the cost of installation. Prices vary for each install based on the charger and the distances of the cable run, but these are just a couple of the factors that could affect your final quote. This guide explains what the Basic Installation includes, as well as things that are an additional cost. Each property and customer is different when it comes...
How to charge an electric car at home
How do you charge an electric car at home? This simple guide explains what your options are for charging electric cars at home and how you can save money on EV charging costs. Driving and charging an electric car is easy and cheap and EV owners have come to love the experience spreading their popularity. However, anything new can appear daunting, especially when you're used to filling up at a petrol...
No more petrol stations!! Owning an EV is different from a conventional ICE ( Internal Combustion Engine) car, but similar in the fact the energy to drive the car is required. Connecting your EV to a charger is the basis of being an electric car owner. But which to choose? Solarpower-ev is here to guide you through all of your EV charging purchases.While the first electric vehicles (EVs) were created...
Tethered or untethered home charger
Some of the best home electric car chargers are still only available as tethered or untethered, so let's run through what this means along with the pros and cons. A tethered EV charger: simply means the charging cable is permanently attached to the electric vehicle charger unit. Many customers find this more convenient as the cable is always at hand - you just need to uncoil it and plug it...